Invitation de la CLC Europe à un Webinar sur l’économie circulaire le 19 juin 2023
Nous publions une invitation de la part de l’Euroteam et du réseau "Ecologie" sur l’économie circulaire. Voir modalités pratiques à la fin de l’article.

Presidents, Eurolinks and Assistants,

The Ecology Network of CLC in Europe invites you to an interactive webinar on the topic “The Circular Economy. What is it ? How can I engage with it ?”

This is a first in a series of webinars being organised to help us understand better what an ecological conversion means to each one of us wherever we are. We all need to start or continue our journey of conversion for ourselves, for humanity present and future and for our common home.

For this webinar we are pleased to have Prof. L. Becchetti with us. Prof. Becchetti is a professor in Economics at the Rome University of Tor Vergata. He is a member of the Christian Life Community (CLC) in Italy and a passionate speaker and promoter for the green circular economy. He is also currently a member of the :

Bioeconomics committee of the Italian ministry of the Environment and Energy Security
council of experts of the Ministry of Economics and Finance (working on the placement of green public bonds)
Study group on sustainable mobility and infrastructure appointed by the Ministry of Sustainable Mobility and Infrastructure
Sustainable Development Solution Network’s European Green Deal Senior Working Group coordinated by Jeffrey Sachs.

He was also engaged during :

2021 – 2022 – as an Economic advisor of the Italian Ministry of Ecological Transition Roberto Cingolani

2020 – 2021 – as an Economic advisor of the Italian Ministry of the Environment Sergio Costa working, among others, on the removal of environmentally harmful subsidies, elaboration of green label/standards following EU and OECD guidelines and on the guidelines for a post-COVID resilient and sustainable recovery.

Please see the attached poster for details of the webinar and how to register. Please also distribute this information to our members in your communities.

Date : 19 June 2023
Time : 19:00 (CET) / 18:00 (GMT) / 20:00 (EET)

Please register for this webinar by sending an email to :

We hope to see you there !

The CLC Euroteam and the Ecology Network