“It is my desire that, in this our time, by acknowledging the dignity of each human person, we can contribute to the rebirth of a universal aspiration to fraternity. Fraternity between all men and women.“ (Fratelli tutti 8)
Dear companions !
Last weekend, the Euroteam met online and we want to keep you updated about our work and give you some information about the upcoming events.
1. Online-Meeting for the Eurolinks and Ecclesial Assistants
The main topic of our Euroteam-meeting was the planning of our meeting for Ecclesial Assistants and Eurolinks in “virtual Warsaw” at Pentecost. As you surely remember we planned to meet face to face but because of the pandemic, we are inviting you all to an online meeting. We have decided to hold the gathering on the topic “Fratelli tutti - called to be co-creators of a world in transition”. We are going to read some key passages of the encyclical and share our experiences in small groups.
We invited Fr. Paul Pace SJ, who is a specialist on “Fratelli Tutti”, to deliver a training session. If you are interested in his work, you can have look at his blog (https://jesuitreflections.wordpress.com/home/blog/stepping-beyond-1-reading-fratelli-tutti-this-advent/ )
Today, we want to give you some more details about the agenda of the meeting and the online tools we are going to use.
a) Schedule for the meeting :
Friday, 21rst of May :
7-9 am : Welcome, getting in touch, introduction to the topic, prayer
9 pm “virtual bar” (open end)
Saturday, 22nd of May :
10-12 am : prayer, training (Fr. Paul Pace), sharing in small groups, plenary
3-5 pm : focus on main aspects of sharing, sharing in small groups , plenary, feedback from a guide
7 pm : Eucharist online
Afterwards : “virtual bar”
As Father Paul Pace is going to focus on just some aspects of the encyclical, we would like to ask you to read one chapter before the meeting. Feel free to choose any chapter you are interested in.
b) Registration and language
We would like to ask you to write us a short mail by May 15th to register for the meeting and to inform us about the language you would like to choose for the sharing groups (English or French). If the Eurolink or the Ecclesial Assistant cannot join the meeting, you might of course ask another member of your Exco or of National community to participate !
c) Zoom link and online tools.
We are going to hold our meeting via Zoom.
During the meeting, we are going to use several online tools which are very easy to handle : Kahoot, Menti and Padlet. For each of them you can find tutorials on Youtube.
If you don’t feel confident with Zoom or the other tools, you may join our “training session” on Monday, 17th of May, 8-9 pm, using the same link as for the meeting (below).
For both meetings you can use the following link :
Meeting-ID : 868 1771 0166
Password : Ignatius
2. Online retreat (Jesuits EOF)
The Jesuits from the French-speaking Province invite everybody to an online retreat before Pentecost called “ Prie en chemin avec Ignace” (Pray as you go with Ignatius) from May 13th to 23rd. A group from CLC in Belgium is preparing a translation to English and Spanish. You can find more information here : https://www.jesuites.com/retraite-prie-en-chemin-avec-ignace/-
We also join a document with further information that you can send to your members.
3. Ignatian Prayer Vigil : Ignatius 500
To begin the Ignatian Year, we as CLC will join the whole Ignatian family in an online prayer on Sunday 23 May. It will be broadcast in three time zones : 20:00 hours in Manila (PST), 20:00 hours in Rome (CET) and 20:00 hours in New York (EDT) :
4. European holidays 2022
CLC in Germany invites members of all ages from all European countries to the European CLC holiday from July 30th to August 6th, 2022 in Dahn, southwestern Germany. The place is located in the forest of the Palatinate, in the natural park of the Vosges du Nord, very close to the border with Lorraine. It is a very beautiful region with a rich natural and historical heritage !
You can find further information here : https://www.gcl.de/home/internationale-begegnungen/event/485-clc-cvx-gcl-european-holidays-2022-save-the-date
We look forward to meeting you online !
Kasia, Nikolaas, Angelika, Chris, Jean-Benoît